How to maintain routine while travelling


Our trip to the Seychelles spiked a lot of questions and interest from followers wondering how we managed the trip with Mila. Mila just turn 1 so we have settled into quite a good routine by now. She has 2 naps a day, she has now switched over to full fat milk rather than formula and can walk (which has its pros and cons ha!)

Her usual routine is as follows.

7am Wake Up

8am Breakfast

10am Milk and Morning Nap

11.30am Snack

12.30pm Lunch

2.30pm Milk and Afternoon Nap

4pm Snack

5pm Dinner

6.30pm Bath

7pm Bed

Babies are considered to thrive off routine so for this reason and also to add structure to our days when we aren’t travelling we have created a routine. This also helps me plan our trips as I keep in mind timings of activities so Mila wont be over tired if a nap is due or hungry etc. However, this routine is VERY flexible. Mila loves to see new places, be around new faces and try new things. Her attention span is growing and if sometimes her nap or meal time is pushed back she wouldn’t even notice. 

Also by having a loose routine it helps me plan ahead, always carrying water, snacks and some toys incase we are pushing naps or meal times back for any reason I have props on me to distract her / keep her happy.

Her routine hasn’t always looked like this. She had more naps when she was younger and no ‘meal’ times and it will change in the near future when she goes from 2 naps to 1. 

I would definitely recommend implementing some sort of routine for both your baby’s and your own sanity but don’t let it rule your life. It’s ok if some days are different, if some days timings are out or if some days it all goes out the window.

Do you have a routine? Does travelling make you anxious about messing up a routine you have taken time to work out? Let me know how routine and travel works for you in the comments below.