How to connect with other Mums if always on the go


Mila is a ‘Covid baby’, I hate that phrase for all its connotations, but the reality that she was born in that time frame is true. We had a base in Dubai as we weren’t able to travel lots and so it meant for a good chunk of her first year I would be stationary. As a first time mum, living abroad with no other friends close by with children, I really felt like I was entering into motherhood on my own in a way. I wanted to try and find a circle of other mums that were first-timers like I was. I knew about baby sensory classes and thought this could be a great place to start.

I attended baby sensory classes from her early months, not only for her development but also for myself to meet other mums. My anti-natal classes were restricted to just myself and River due to covid so prior to having Mila I didn’t meet any one else who was due around the same time as me. Fast forward a year and I have a circle of great mummy friends.

Also having a small, close mama network has really helped with all the little questions your have in your 1st year of parenthood. 1 such question is teething. I never knew that it can cause painful rashes on their bottom and give many sleepless nights. I also never knew that some babies can be born with teeth where others take up to a year to get their first one. What I’ve learnt through having other Mums go through the same stages is that it’s great to share help, tips and advice but crucially it’s so important to remember all babies are different.

They hit milestones at different points and will have different needs. For some mums I know this can be unsettling if your baby seems ‘behind’ or hasn’t passed a milestone that others in the same age bracket have, but just know that all babies will level out in time. Of course it’s important to keep an eye and be aware of any major issues early but don’t fret, I feel motherhood is a mind field as it is and stressing about whether you baby has 1 or 4 teeth by the time they are 6 months isn’t something to loose more sleep over. Trust me, those few hours are Very. Much. Needed.